2. 手術後一週內盡量不要俯身洗頭,以免污水濺入眼內引起感染。
3. 洗頭前後可分別用抗生素眼藥水,亦可戴上泳鏡以作保護。
"Postoperative Bathing Guidelines for Ophthalmic Surgery"
2. Avoid bending over to wash your hair within the first week after surgery to prevent contaminated water from entering the eyes and causing infection.
Please note that the provided instructions are general guidelines. The actual eye care procedures should be followed based on the advice of the doctor and the specific requirements of the surgery. If you have any questions or need further guidance, please seek assistance from your doctor.
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瀏覽次數: 461 更新時間:2023-10-31