
【愛的陪瞳 · 長者護理指南】《眼手術後用膳安排》







《Post-Eye Surgery Dietary Arrangements》

Dietary Recommendations: Generally, there is no strict dietary restriction after completing eye surgery. However, in the initial days following the surgery, it is advisable to avoid consuming hard foods and opt for a diet consisting of liquid or semi-liquid foods such as clear soups, porridge, broths, and juices. This helps minimize excessive chewing and reduce strain on the eyes.

Cooking Arrangements: After completing eye surgery, it is advisable to avoid personally cooking or being near the kitchen to prevent exposure to cooking fumes that may irritate the eyes. If you feel uncomfortable during the cooking process, it is recommended to use lubricating eye drops to rinse your eyes.

If a caregiver is preparing meals, it is important to avoid cooking spicy, fried, or highly stimulating foods to prevent exacerbation of redness or itching sensation around the patient's healing wound.

Please note that the provided instructions are general guidelines. The actual eye care procedures should be followed based on the advice of the doctor and the specific requirements of the surgery. If you have any questions or need further guidance, please seek assistance from your doctor.

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瀏覽次數: 840 更新時間:2023-11-23

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