
【愛的陪瞳 · 長者護理指南】《剛完成眼手術後外出指南》

1. 外出時不需要特意帶著太陽眼鏡,但如果感到眩光刺眼,可以考慮配戴保護眼睛
2. 眼手術後的24小時內不建議乘搭飛機及開車
3. 術後一星期內,避免揉搓眼睛、提重物、抱小孩
4. 盡量減少突然彎腰動作,如綁鞋帶,避免對眼睛造成額外壓力
5. 建議在家中好好休養至少一星期,給予眼睛充分的時間恢復,待視力穩定,才算完成治療程序
6. 外出時,要慢慢行走,選擇走熟悉的路線,以減少碰撞或跌倒的風險
"Outing Guide After Recent Eye Surgery"
1. You do not need to specifically wear sunglasses when going out after surgery, but if you experience glare or light sensitivity, consider wearing protective eyewear.
2. It is not recommended to fly or drive within the first 24 hours after eye surgery.
3. During the first week after surgery, avoid rubbing your eyes, lifting heavy objects, or carrying children.
4. Minimize sudden bending movements, such as tying shoelaces, to avoid putting extra pressure on the eyes.
5. It is advised to rest at home for at least a week, allowing your eyes ample time to recover. Treatment is considered complete once your vision stabilizes.
6. When going out, walk slowly and choose familiar routes to minimize the risk of collisions or falls.
Please note that the provided instructions are general guidelines. The actual eye care procedures should be followed based on the advice of the doctor and the specific requirements of the surgery. If you have any questions or need further guidance, please seek assistance from your doctor.
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瀏覽次數: 289 更新時間:2023-12-11

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